It is useful for speakers of Dutch to be able to discuss the subject matter of the course in Dutch. This glossary should enable you to do so. It will not be tested at the exam. I may have to extend the list during the course.
after-language = achtertaal
chain rule = ketenregel
closure = afsluiting
to compute = berekenen
context-free = contextvrij
context-sensitive = contextgevoelig
decidable = beslisbaar
derivation = afleiding
directed graph = gerichte graaf
edge = ribbe (of kant)
finite = eindig
to generate = voortbrengen
grammar = grammatica
language = taal
multiple-track TM = meersporen TM
multiple-tape TM = meerbandige TM
normal form = normaalvorm
powerset = machtsverzameling
pumping lemma = pomplemma
pushdown machine = stapelautomaat
regular = regulier
to reject = verwerpen
rule = regel
set = verzameling
state = toestand
state machine = automaat
state space = toestandsruimte
tape (of TM) = band (van TM)
track (of TM) = spoor (van TM)
tree = boom
to terminate = eindigen
Graag bericht als er hier fouten of onduidelijkheden staan.
Terug naar mijn
onderwijspagina of mijn hoofdpagina. Wim H. Hesselink